LWF - The Lutheran World Federation

LWF - The Lutheran World Federation

Jobs 5
Shortlists/Awards 0
Pricing strategy 0
Partners/Competitors 0
Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Iraq
Organization type:NGO
Funding agencies:Other
Sectors:Conflict, Food Security, Gender, Humanitarian Aid ...
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Conflict, Food Security, Gender, Humanitarian Aid & Emergency, Migration, Security, Social Development, Water & Sanitation, Youth
Nr. of employees:1001-5000
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


The LWF has intervened in Iraq since 2014, supporting internally displaced people, host communities and Syrian refugees. It has been implementing projects in the Kurdish region of Iraq, mainly in the Dohuk governorate, and in late 2016/early 2017 LWF Iraq expanded its activities to the neighboring areas of the Nineveh Plains after its liberation from ISIS, working through local partners. Populations targeted include community members who remained and survived the ISIS occupation, IDPs who fled but are now returning to their homes and recently displaced IDPs from Mosul.

In line with the LWF World Service Strategy 2019 – 2024, LWF Iraq’s programming for 2019 has been focusing on building the resilience of IDPs, host communities, returnees, and refugees through:

Livelihoods: LWF increases livelihood opportunities for women and men through business rehabilitation programs and several vocational training programs, for example on beekeeping and crop production. As more and more displaced people are returning to their homes, they are finding their homes and businesses destroyed, and themselves without income.
Quality Services: LWF promotes safe WASH practices to facilitate access to drinkable water and hygiene, and rehabilitates WASH infrastructure which was destroyed during the conflict. WASH infrastructure works and activities such as hygiene promotion sessions are being conducted in Davudiya IDP camp, whilst the LWF focuses on garbage collection and awareness activities within several villages in the Ninewa plains.
Protection & Social Cohesion: LWF focuses specific attention on increasing awareness, coping capacities, and mechanisms of the population, especially targeting vulnerable women and girls. Protection activities are taking place in Davudiya IDP camp as well as in several community centers, also providing support to returnees, refugees and host communities. It is of primary importance that the different communities within Iraq are understanding each other’s perspectives to be able to cooperate well together. LWF has projects on community dialogues for communities to share their past and present experiences, to nurture social cohesion.

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