Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) seeks to establish framework contracts with experienced consultants or contractors specializing in gender-based violence (GBV). NCA’s GBV programming is built around the integration of prevention, response, and linkages to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).
The overarching goal of NCA’s GBV programming is to ensure women and girls live free from all forms of GBV. To achieve this, NCA collaborates with partners to implement interventions focused on four core outcome areas:
Through this framework, consultants will provide technical expertise in one or more of these outcome areas, contributing to the design, implementation, and evaluation of high-impact programming.
Consultants will offer tailored support across several operational needs, including:
Framework contracts will remain valid for three years, with specific purchase orders issued for defined deliverables. The specific conditions, quantity, date of delivery, etc. of a given purchase shall only be laid down in a purchase order when the services are needed.
Contract purpose and expected results:
Consultants will contribute to the design, implementation, and evaluation of activities within the following thematic outcome areas:
1. Empowerment of Women and Adolescent Girls
Empowerment highlights the importance of gaining the ability to make meaningful choices but also includes the processes that lead women and girls to perceive themselves as equally able and entitled to decision-making as men and boys. Our primary goal is to empower women and adolescent girls to take control over their lives, to create networks, and to influence systems that shape their lives. This includes addressing gender discrimination and inequality, thereby improving their social standing.
Knowledge plays a crucial role in empowerment. Therefore, interventions should seek to ensure that women and girls have access to relevant information regarding their rights to a life free from all forms of violence. Moreover, through initiatives like life skills training, advocacy, and support for political participation (among others), NCA places a distinct emphasis on involving the most vulnerable women and adolescent girls in intervention design, amplifying their voices to strengthen their agency. This underscores our commitment to fostering empowerment and dismantling barriers that perpetuate gender discrimination and inequality.
NCA seeks contractors that can:
2. Transforming Norms and Preventing Harmful Practices
This outcome contributes to ending all forms of gender-based violence by addressing harmful norms. This requires confronting unequal power relations, harmful masculinities, legal, social, moral, and religious norms, with a particular focus on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Child, Early, and Forced Marriage (CEFM). While norm change programming is a long-term process mainly focused on development initiatives, NCA recognizes the urgency of addressing harmful norms in humanitarian settings where they can intensify. Our social norms work encompasses multiple intervention approaches following the 3 lines of ‘community conversation and dialogue','media and communication’ and ‘legal change’. NCA advocates for enactment and/or implementation of gender transformative laws and policies, as well as the ratification of international conventions that protect women and girls from all forms of GBV and promote gender equality.
NCA seeks contractors that can:
3. GBV Services
NCA seeks to ensure that survivors and women and adolescent girls at risk of violence have access to survivor-centred, quality, lifesaving, specialised GBV services. Our efforts prioritize safety, well-being, and empowerment of survivors and those at risk of GBV through robust case management systems and comprehensive staff training. NCA has integrated therapeutic interventions (ITI) within case management and has an ITI supervision toolkit and staff care and self-care resource, which should be used. All GBV services provided by NCA must adhere to the GBV Guidance. NCA follows a multi-sectoral model for GBV response programming, which calls for holistic, collaborative response and coordination across key sectors, focusing on enhancing access to health care, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), legal assistance and protection/safety, including referrals, advocacy for increased quality services, information-sharing about available services, and establishment of referral pathways and service mappings. These services—usually provided through static and mobile safe spaces for women and girls—ensure a critical space for women and girls to safely access lifesaving services and information, promoting their empowerment, fostering networks, enhancing their integration into community life, and reducing isolation. Survivors are linked to these different sectors through case management services, facilitated by localised Standard Operating Procedures and referral pathways. Additionally, NCA utilizes the GBV Information Management System (GBVIMS) for incident recording and data sharing.
NCA seeks contractors that can
4. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
Through an integrated approach within the GBV program, SRHR programming includes comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), life skills sessions for adolescents on SRH, parenting sessions on SRH, family planning, safe motherhood, and support to access to SRH services, with a particular focus on adolescents. These interventions aim to enhance the access of adolescent girls, women, and other marginalized groups to rights-based and gender-sensitive SRHR information and services promoting informed decision-making regarding their reproductive health. In humanitarian settings, NCA focuses on increasing knowledge regarding SRHR and supporting access to lifesaving SRH interventions, including but not limited to family planning services, safe motherhood, and clinical care for GBV survivors through SRH service mapping and referrals, integration of cash and voucher assistance (CVA), distribution of kits, including birth kits, and family planning counselling and SRHR outreach sessions within WGSS and other areas of GBV prevention and response programming. In long-term development programs, NCA focuses on promoting and implementing CSE, knowledge increase, and behavioural change regarding SRHR, strengthening capacities of health care providers working within the GBV program on family planning, safe motherhood interventions, and advocacy to advance the SRHR agenda.
NCA seeks contractors that can:
Qualifications for key experts
GBViE Contractors:
MHPSS Contractors:
SRHR contractors:
Personal qualities:
Consultants will report to the designated NCA staff as outlined in specific purchase orders.
Application Process
Applicants should specify the thematic outcome area(s) of expertise in their bids:
Required Documents: