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Land Registration and Cadastre System Project (LRCSP)

Last update: Feb 5, 2015 Last update: Feb 5, 2015


Sectors:Procurement, Mapping & Cadastre, Information & Communication Technology
Funding Agency:
Date posted: Oct 6, 2014

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Project ID: P089566
Borrower/Bid No: LRCSP \ ICB G-8

Land Registration and Cadastre System Project (LRCSP)
Establishment of the network of the continuously operating
GPS reference stations
Grant number: 7580-TJ
Procurement of the equipment for the establishment of the network of the continuously operating GPS reference stations
Package # LRCSP \ ICB G-8

The Republic of the Tajikistan has received the Grant number 7580-TJ (hereinafter the Grant) from the International Development Association toward the cost of the Land Registration and Cadastre System Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this Grant to payments under the agreement resulting from this IFB: # LRCSP \ ICB G-8.

The Institution "Implementation Centre of the Land Registration and Cadastre System Project"(IIC LRCSP) serves as the implementing agency for the project and now invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for the establishment of the network of the
continuously operating GPS reference stations.

Bidding will be conducted using the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, edition of January 2011, and is open to all Bidders eligible as defined in these Guidelines,5 that meet the following minimum qualification criteria:

*Working experience of the 3 completed contracts on the "turnkey" basis for the last 5 years and the budget for each contract must be at least 300 thousand U.S. dollars, which have been completed successfully and were similar to the products and services offered. It is necessary to submit the required documents.
*Availability of the service centers and specialists in order to ensure the warranty. It is necessary to submit the required documents.
*Turnover of the participant company for the last 2 fiscal years in the amount should be more than the 1 million U.S. dollars.

Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the Institution "Implementation Centre of the Land Registration and Cadastre System Project" (IIC LRCSP) and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below: Foteh Niyozi street 50, the building of the State Committee on Land Management and Geodesy of the RT, 5th floor, the rooms ##: 513, 519, from: 8:00 AM up to 5:00 PM.

A complete set of bidding documents in English language "may be purchased at the address given below: Foteh Niyozi street 50, the building of the State Committee on Land Management and Geodesy of the RT, 5th floor, the rooms ##: 513, 519.  The hard copy set of the bidding documents may be purchased by interested Bidders on submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of the 100 (one hundred) U.S. dollars.  The method of payment will be: the direct transfer to a specified bank to the following account: Project's EUR Account: 202069788000777 IN ZAO TAJPROMBANK, SWIFT: TAZATJ22; Correspondent Account 400886792100USD IN  COMMERZBANK AG, FRANKFURT AN MAIN, GERMANY, SWIFT:  COBADEFF.

The documents will be sent by the services of the Express Mail.

Bids must be delivered to the address below: Dushanbe, the Shotemur street 27, the building of the State Committee on Investments and the State Property Management of the Republic of the Tajikistan (SCI SPM, tender box # 4 no later than: Thursday, November 13, 2014. "Competitive bids must be accompanied by the bid security in the amount of the 5,000 (five thousand) U.S. dollars". Late bids will be rejected.  Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders' representatives who choose to attend at the address below: Dushanbe, the Shotemur street 27, the building of the State Committee on Investments and the State Property Management of the Republic of the Tajikistan (SCI SPM), 1st floor, room # 9, date: Thursday, November 13, 2014 till 14-00 Dushanbe local time.

The attention of prospective Bidders is drawn to (i) the fact that they will be required to certify in their bids that all software is either covered by a valid license or was produced by the Bidder and (ii) that violations are considered fraud, which can result in ineligibility to be awarded World Bank-financed contracts.

The Institution "Implementation Centre of the Land Registration and Cadastre System Project" (IIC LRCSP)
[Khabirov Makhmudjon Khodjievich]
The Foteh Niyozi street, 50;
The building of the State Committee on Land Management and Geodesy of the RT, 5th floor, the rooms No. 513, 519;
Dushanbe, 734002, Tajikistan
Tel: (+992) 981066228; (+992) 918867635

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