Project: Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of Tender Document of Sunkoshi 3 Hydropower Project (683MW, Multipurpose Storage) (Request for Proposal Stage Bidding)
International Key Position: Tunnel Engineer/ Geotechnical Engineer with 20+ Years of Experience
A. Academic Qualification Requirement
i. Bachelor's degree in Civil engineering.
ii. Master's degree or equivalent in geotechnical or civil engineering or engineering geologist or related discipline
B. Professional experience in Similar Job
i. Professional experience in Detailed Engineering Design or Construction Supervision of successfully completed (Construction and Commissioned) hydropower projects with power tunnel lengths totaling 1,000m having its diameters not less than 5.4m as a Tunnel Engineering or Geotechnical Engineer
* Points shall only be given if the expert involvement in individual project is equal to or in excess of 3 (Three) person-months
C. Regional Experience outside home country within Asian Countries:
i. Regional experience in Detail Engineering Design or Construction Supervision of at least one successfully completed (Construction and Commissioned) hydropower project with capacity not less than 100MW as Tunnel/ Geotechnical Engineer.
Please send your updated ADB format Curriculum Vitae to and