Fundación Promoción Social (FPS)

Fundación Promoción Social (FPS)

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Shortlists/Awards 121
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Partners/Competitors 195
Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:Spain
Organization type:NGO
Funding agencies:EC, Other, Government, FAO, UNHCR, NPO, AECID
European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ), Other, Government, Food and Agriculture Organization (HQ), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (HQ), Nonprofit organization, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (HQ)
Sectors:Agriculture, Civil Society & NGOs, Education, Envi ...
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Agriculture, Civil Society & NGOs, Education, Environment & NRM, Food Security, Health, Humanitarian Aid & Emergency, Micro-finance, Rural Development, Water & Sanitation
Nr. of employees:11-50
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


Fundación Promoción Social (FPS, Social Promotion Foundation) is a private, non-profit organisation which since 1987 works in favour of economic, social and human development in accordance with the person dignity and respectful with the cultural identity of peoples and social groups. Its philosophy settles on a model of “small, agile and independent organisation” that allows it to strengthen and to capitalise the realised work and to attack the future challenges over a high capacity of management, optimisation of resources and cost economy; The person is the centre of its work, as protagonist of the time who had to live; It considers education as the central and indisputable factor to achieve real progress. FPS meets with the requirements of control and transparency in carrying out its mission.

Since June 2001, FPS has been credited as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). Since 2004, FPS has been reclassified as NGO with General Consultative Status in the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). In 2005, FPS was recognised by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) as a “Qualified” Development NGO. Furthermore, a Framework Partnership Agreement was signed with the Humanitarian Aid Office of the European Commission (ECHO) and a Formal Agreement with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO).

FPS has more than 20 years of experience in international cooperation for development, having so far implemented more than 280 projects, for a total of more than €120 million managed. In addition to the contribution of individual donors, FPS has received funding from public and private institutions.

FPS is working towards establishing a culture of people-focused solidarity concerned with the need to achieve better and more dignified living and working conditions, as well as conditions of freedom and social participation for everyone. These efforts intend to align the Foundation’s institutional aims with the diverse reality of the countries in which it operates, in a decisive response to their social needs and problems.

Its work in the field of international cooperation has brought about numerous interventions in countries in Latin American, Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean region. In terms of the latter, the work carried out since 1992 has firmly established the Foundation as a model for cooperation in the Middle East, both for the amount of work carried out and for its focus on institutional support initiatives directed at strengthening the social fabric of each country with sustainable results in terms of social responsibility and concern.

In recent years the Foundation has tried to combine its work with key elements for sustainable and long-lasting human development that provide people and social groups with a real interest in the development of their countries. These elements include:

  • Cooperation focused on reinforcing the countries’ capabilities and on mobilising internal resources. For this, it is necessary to make people and their process of improvement a priority. Investing in human beings is vital for generating richness and ensuring and improving the effectiveness of support.
  • A clear alignment with local policies, resulting in a coordinated support strategy based on the countries’ own strategies.
  • The involvement of civil society and local organisations in the design and execution of development actions, thus making local policies effective and coherent and strengthening the social fabric as a guarantee of social development.

Sectors: Water and sanitation management, rural and agricultural development, ecotourism and environment, food security, education, health, housing construction, microfinance and employment, institutional strengthening and civil society, and disability and social groups at risk of social exclusion. Additionally, in a transversal way, FPS favours the empowerment of women in all sectors and activities, to increase social participation and to encourage their access to decision-making.


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