Yemen media guide for Development Centre

Yemen media guide for Development Centre

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Partners/Competitors 0
Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:Yemen
Organization type:NGO
Funding agencies:Other
Sectors:Advocacy, Air & Aviation, Civil Society & NGOs, Co ...
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Advocacy, Air & Aviation, Civil Society & NGOs, Conflict, Corporate Social Responsibility, Culture, Decentralization & Local Development, Democratization, Disaster Reduction, Education, Environment & NRM, Food Security, Gender, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid & Emergency, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Justice Reform, Livestock (incl. animal/bird production & health), Media and Communications, Other, Poverty Reduction, Research, Water & Sanitation, Youth
Nr. of employees:11-50
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


Vision :

That vulnerable groups enjoy social protection, justice, equity, and economic, cultural, and civil empowerment, and that society becomes stable, cohesive, and able to withstand and recover.

the message :

We work to promote human rights, protect women, children and vulnerable groups from the effects of conflicts and climate change, improve their access to social protection services, support livelihoods and food security through our safe community centres, cooperate with multi-sectoral organizations and bodies, and activate local mechanisms based on resilience and recovery to reduce environmental tensions and risks through The path of dialogue and mediation is development interventions. We are interested in developing the performance of the media and producing digital and print media to contribute to raising community awareness, monitoring violations, and adopting awareness and advocacy campaigns on issues of violence, health, climate, peace, democracy, accountability, the rule of law, and good governance.


Objectives :

 1- Strengthening the capabilities of local communities to withstand community conflicts and climate changes in rural and urban areas

2_ Improving the access of women, children, and marginalized and vulnerable groups to social protection services and prevention of social violence

3- Developing the media’s performance in defending human rights, promoting social peace, democracy, accountability, and good governance, and raising awareness and advocacy on issues of violence, climate, and the rule of law.

4- Increasing opportunities for women, youth and marginalized people to participate in decision-making and enhancing their social, civil, political and development role

5- Strengthening local, regional and international cooperation and partnerships with humanitarian and human rights organizations and the private sector to contribute to development

6-Monitoring and measuring public opinion and conducting social, legal, economic, and development studies, research, and investigative invest


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