WWF - Brazil is a non - governmental organization of Brazilian civil society and constituted as a non - profit civil association that works to change the current trajectory of environmental degradation and to promote a future where society and nature live in harmony.
Created in 1996, WWF - Brazil maintains 137 employees working on 67 projects in the Amazon, Cerrado, Pantanal, Atlantic Rainforest and Caatinga, as well as marine ecosystems on the Brazilian coast.
The Governance of WWF - Brazil is carried out by means of bodies provided for in its Bylaws and Internal Regulations, with the purpose of ensuring the commitments and relationship with WWF, comply with the policies, principles and objectives of the organization and ensure, in compliance with the WWF - Brazil Institutional Mission:
"To contribute to the preservation of Brazilian society by harmonizing human activity with the conservation of biodiversity and the rational use of natural resources for the benefit of the citizens of today and of future generations."