The ILO Office provides technical assistance to its constituents in Mexico and Cuba: governments, employers 'organizations and workers' organizations. The priority areas of action of the ILO in Mexico for 2014-2015 are:
The impulse to the creation and formalization of employment, particularly for young people, women and other groups with disadvantages of entering the labor market on equal terms.
The promotion and construction of social security and social protection floors.
Implement policies and programs of labor productivity, training and social dialogue, to promote decent work and wage recovery.
The promotion of employment generation at the local level, through productive projects, innovative microfinance schemes and cooperatives.
The promotion of a green economy generating green jobs and decent work.
Prevention and eradication of child labor.
Capacity building of labor administration and inspection.
Institutional and capacity building of employers' organizations.
Institutional and capacity building of workers' organizations.
Efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of legislation and labor justice, in the application of International Labor Standards.
In Cuba, the Office provides technical assistance for the application of productivity, training and human resources development programs in the sugar industry. It also promotes the preventive capacity of the Labor Inspection in sectors with high risk of accidents (agriculture, construction, electrical sector, chemical risks).