Viet Nam rejoined the ILO in 1992 and the ILO Country Office was opened in Hanoi in 2003. The main aims of the ILO in Viet Nam are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues.
Working in partnership with the Government of Viet Nam, especially the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour, the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Viet Nam Cooperative Alliance, the ILO has offered support through policy advice, capacity building and technical cooperation to open opportunities for women and men to gain access to better jobs and have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives.
Among the key issues that the country has been cooperating with the ILO are green jobs, skills development, labour statistics, industrial relations development, occupational safety and health and social security. International labour standards and gender equality are viewed as cross-cutting issues being mainstreamed in all the above key issues under the framework of cooperation between the ILO and our tripartite constituents.
The ILO in Viet Nam is now helping Viet Nam implement the 2017-21 Decent Work Country Programme , a continuation of the first two successful decent work country cooperation frameworks which covered the periods of 2006-10 and 2012-16.
The third Decent Work Country Programme between the ILO and tripartite constituents (the Government, the workers' and employers' organizations) aims to address the decent work challenges faced by the country.
It sets out three country priorities namely:
Promote decent employment and an enabling environment for sustainable entrepreneurship opportunities;
Reduce poverty by extending social protection for all and reduce unacceptable forms of work, especially for the most vulnerable; and
Build effective labour market governance compliant with fundamental principles and rights and at work.