World Food Programme (UAE)

World Food Programme (UAE)

Contacts 33
Tenders 71
Grants 0
Jobs 3
Contractors 0
Pricing strategy 0
Last update: May 25, 2023 Last update: May 25, 2023
Pricing strategy


Awards in:Kyrgyzstan
Sectors:Agriculture, Food Security, Poverty Redu ...
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Agriculture, Food Security, Poverty Reduction
Nr. of employees:2-10

Attachments 0


WFP is governed by the WFP Executive Board, which consists of 36 Member States.

The organization is headed by an Executive Director, who is appointed jointly by the UN Secretary General and the Director-General of FAO (UN Food and Agriculture Organization). The Executive Director is appointed for fixed five-year terms.

The current Executive Director is Ertharin Cousin, who was appointed in 2012. She is responsible for the administration of WFP as well as the implementation of its programmes, projects and other activities. WFP also has one Deputy Executive Director and three Assistant Executive Directors with specific briefs.

The organization's strategic direction is mapped out in its Strategic Plan, which is renewed every four years. The latest plan, approved by the Board in 2013, reaffirms WFP's focus on food assistance for the poorest and most vulnerable women, men, boys and girls.

WFP’s annual report is available in a special online edition that explains WFP's key achievements in 2013 with simple, straightforward visuals.

WFP relies entirely on voluntary contributions for its funding. Its principal donors are governments, but we also receive donations from the private sector and individuals.

WFP’s operation in the UAE was established in 2001 and has since become a crucial base for global humanitarian operations, supporting the emergency preparedness and fast intervention activities of both WFP and its humanitarian partners. The strategic location of the UAE, world-class logistics infrastructure, supportive host government and access to huge supplier markets makes WFP in the UAE ideally situated to deliver critical aid services to operations around the world.

The WFP UAE Office in Dubai provides support to all WFP operations in terms of ICT, Procurement and Logistics.

Country eligibility

No information available

Circumstantial eligible countries

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Tender Management Modes

Financing agencies
  • WFP

Grant Management Modes

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