The country is a member of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, known as FAO by its acronym in English since its founding in 1945.
In July 1992, the Law approving the Agreement between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the establishment of the FAO Representation was published in Official Gazette No. 35.003 the country.
Since then, FAO's strategy in Venezuela has been aimed at:
• Contribute to the eradication of poverty, food and nutritional insecurity.
• Promote, develop and strengthen regulatory and policy frameworks for food, agriculture, fisheries and gender equity.
• Help achieve sustainable increases in the supply and availability of food and other products in the agricultural, fisheries and forestry sectors.
• Support the conservation, improvement and sustainable use of natural resources for food and agriculture.
• Improve decision-making by providing information and evaluations, as well as promoting knowledge management for food and agriculture.
• Strengthen the capacities for the formulation and execution of a solid field program.
• Promote the participation of Venezuela in regional integration initiatives such as Latin America and the Caribbean without Hunger (ALCSH) 2025 in the framework of South-South cooperation.