The United Kingdom became an FAO member in 1945, marking the beginning of more than 70 years of strategic work. This strong collaboration covers a myriad of areas, including agricultural statistics, livestock management, nutrition and food security analysis, development cooperation, resilience and peacebuilding, climate change, emergencies and protracted crises. Unsurprisingly, the UK sees agriculture as a key sector for developing countries, driving economic development, supporting poverty reduction and raising food and nutrition security.
The collaboration between FAO and the UK puts a great emphasis on saving costs and time, simplifying the cooperation between the partners and enhancing its effectiveness, while delivering on their strategic frameworks and increasing value for money.
Going forward, the UK and FAO stand to benefit from continuing their joint work around priorities such as:
Strengthen global peace, security and governance;
Strengthen resilience and response to crisis;
Promote global prosperity;
Tackle extreme poverty and help the world’s most vulnerable; and
Deliver value for money and efficiency.