IOM established its office in Amman, Jordan in 1994. Following this, Jordan joined IOM as a Member State in 1999. Its activities were primarily related to processing applications for the North Africa and Middle East region for refugee resettlement to the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe through its Resettlement Support Centre (RSC).
Since 2004, country office activities have expanded to include programmes on building the capacity of the Jordanian Government to improve migration management, and direct assistance to migrants in need. Most recently, and as part of the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) regional response to the Syrian Crisis, IOM in Jordan has been assisting refugees in Jordan with emergency evacuation assistance to Syrians from borders to camps, providing primary health care and tuberculosis screening and awareness raising for Syrians and host communities, and repatriation assistance to Third Country Nationals (TCNs) fleeing from Syria into Jordan.